Changed the defeating opposing Guardians with final blows or assists bounty to defeating opposing Guardians as a fireteam.Updated the defeating combatants with Stasis bounty to include freeze assists.This includes final blows and assists when progressing through this bounty.Added a new bounty for defeating Blockers.
Added a new bounty for defeating invaders as a fireteam.Now players must bank 100 Motes as a team, versus the previous 25 Motes banked per player.Changed sending one of each type of Blocker bounty to sending Blockers of any size (with more progress given for sending bigger Blockers).Updated defeating combatants with Stasis bounty to include freeze assists.Added new bounty for collecting Heavy ammo.Quality-of-life update to Gambit bounties:.Reduced the number of wins needed for the Gold Coins gilded Triumph for the Dredgen Seal from 50 to 30.Activity streaks award 20 reputation points per streak from 15.Gambit Reputation: Activity completion now awards 75 reputation points from 50.